Obama won’t allow pictures of Osama Bin Laden’s bloody corpse to be released because it would offend Al Qaeda terrorists.  Well, the American people are upset that these pictures are not being released because we want to enjoy the demise of the old goat a bit more.  We have seen the pictures of the other maggott infested […]

24 Feb, 2011  |  Written by  |  under Politics

I don’t know about you, but when I think of the model of health, beauty, and wise eating, my mind instantly goes to the sleek, beautiful, America liking, (now that her husband is dictator for 4 years), Michelle Hussein Obama.  Of course, I know her middle name isn’t Hussein, but out of respect for her […]

20 Nov, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Also Obama lies as one who has never accomplished anything, unless you count the driving of the American economy into the worst downward spiral since the great depression as an accomplishment. This does appear to be his lone accomplishment, since he hates free enterprise and wishes to “spread the wealth around”, like one spreads manure with a spreader.

12 Nov, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Elections have a way of either hiding a candidate’s true identity, or shining a bright light of truth, thus exposing their true character. This past November’s election was no exception. Due to the Tea Party candidates and a large Tea Party voter turnout, the bright light of truth found some neo-conservatives in the Republican party to be anti-Tea Party to the extent that they helped cause candidates to lose senate elections in key races to the delight of socialist Democrats.

18 Oct, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

The illiteracy displayed in our society politically is breath taking.  As a people, the American people have been dumbed down to the point where we “think” with our feelings.  We can blame this dumbing down of society on liberals and on the liberal agenda that is pushed into our schools by the NEA, and certainly […]

20 Sep, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Imam Hussein Obama’s religion has come under question recently as was shown in a Pew Poll. Did CBSnooze run a story concerning Obama’s possible dabbling in Islam since he was born a Muslim?

Yes, CBSnooze did run a story in which they carried Imam Hussein Obama’s water. They even quoted his Marxist, racist, anti-Christian, former pastor, Jeremiah Wright in order to discredit the rumor that the Imam Hussein Obama might be a Muslim.

17 Sep, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

Only if a person ignores what the Bible says, and only if a person ignores what the Democrats stand for can a person be both a “Christian” and a Democrat.  The reason is that the Democrat platform is anti-Christian and anti-Christ. Let us just begin with fundamentals and easy to grasp items.  Most people recognize […]


In his Interview with Brian Williams, Imam Obama is asked about whether he is troubled or not about poll numbers that show an increasing number of Americans believe he is a Muslim and not an American citizen.  Obama answers this by saying that, I can’t spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on […]

26 Aug, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton, when asked about a poll showing that the number of Americans who think the president is a Muslim is going up said, And so the President is obviously a — is Christian.  He prays every day.  He communicates with his religious advisor every single day.  There’s a group of pastors […]

10 Aug, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Elena Kagan has been confirmed even though she is the most inexperienced person to go through the confirmation process in recent history. She is actually less experienced than Harriet Miers, who Bush withdrew after a firestorm of protest from within his own party, on the basis that she was too inexperienced. Kagan was of course nominated by Barrack Hussein Obama, the most inexperienced person in any room.

31 Jul, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Americans want and love the combustion engine. We want to step on the gas, not accelerator, pedal and get pressed into the back of our seats. Who wants a sporty looking car with a sports car price that can’t get out of its own way? In metro areas people will risk their lives getting on the highway in these vehicles.

16 Jul, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

Before getting into this discussion let us first take a look at this word, Agape.  It is a Greek word that most church goers have heard countless sermons with this word as the subject.  The word Agape is translated in our English New Testament texts as simply “love”. Agape love is an unconditional love; a God […]

3 Jul, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

President Obama is once again lying about the Arizona law.  Or is he lying about it for the first time since the last time he spoke incorrectly about it, he had not even read the law.  (Do Democrats just not read anything these days for crying out loud???)  And these stupid people aren’t shy about […]

1 Jul, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

At one time Joseph “Big F’n Deal” Biden was known as the dumbest senator in office. Now he’s the dumbest VP our country has ever had. He keeps reminding us of this by saying stupid things. The latest stupid statement coming from our lowly esteemed VP is an email appeal for cash in which “Big […]

17 Jun, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

This feckless president and his regime are so inept at handling real life problems that it is difficult to really describe an exact Obama Doctrine.  He is a Marxist ideologue so his push toward a utopia of his fantasy world of his own design, clouds his thought process on every situation that arises and on […]

15 Jun, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Usually with the left their intolerance is exhibited in the attempt to squelch free speech that does not fit into their agenda through political and judicial means.  The hope of the statist to put an end to talk radio rests in the hands of the FCC and Obama’s Diversity Czar, Mark Lloyd.  The strategy of […]

28 May, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

One of the things that was talked about on a daily basis at my parent’s house was American Exceptionalism.  The term American Exceptionalism was never used, but the concept of how great this country is and how special it is were spoken of and explained to me at an early age. My father loves America […]

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