The illiteracy displayed in our society politically is breath taking. As a people, the American people have been dumbed down to the point where we “think” with our feelings. We can blame this dumbing down of society on liberals and on the liberal agenda that is pushed into our schools by the NEA, and certainly […]
Elena Kagan has been confirmed even though she is the most inexperienced person to go through the confirmation process in recent history. She is actually less experienced than Harriet Miers, who Bush withdrew after a firestorm of protest from within his own party, on the basis that she was too inexperienced. Kagan was of course nominated by Barrack Hussein Obama, the most inexperienced person in any room.
Let Me Count the Ways In this “interview”, Harry Smith makes the bogus remark that on talk radio Obama is classified as a socialist and a Nazi. It is true that the big three talk radio hosts have classified Obama properly as a socialist. Of course the big three talk radio hosts are Rush, Hannity […]
Anytime Democrats, liberals, and/or statists want to rape the American People, they use children as political shields to protect them from the light of truth. Meanwhile, they seemingly cannot wait for the next opportunity to make murdering children more easily accessible to anyone who might be inconvenienced by pregnancy or the birth of a child. […]
Of course April 1st is also known as April Fool’s Day. There is obviously no better day to recognize the wreckage caused to our great country by these irresponsible, short-sighted, childish, and IGNORANT voters. If you voted for ANY of the Democrats in either house, or if you voted for Obama for President, then this […]
That is what one knucklehead said after Obamacare was signed by our Marxist in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama. I use his middle name to further endear him to the two bit dictators and terrorist nation leaders to which he has a propensity to bow. This typical Obama voter thinks it is just fantastic that he […]
The sight of Obama and the sound of his voice make me sick. Our Narcissist in Chief refuses to give his patient, ObamaCare, the same treatment that human patients who cost too much would receive should his bill be passed into law. ObamaCare should be given an aspirin to alleviate the pain and it should […]
Today I started a new project. The new project was to start an account on Organizing For, really it is against, America and posting my first blog there. The intention is to see how long these Obamaites will allow my anti-Obama blog entries to stay up on their site. Another intention of course is to […]
At the Obamacare summit with the Republicans, Obama related an anecdote about his personal experience with car insurance. His personal story is a LIE! How do I know it’s a lie? The way he says that liability insurance works, is not the way it works at all. This moron cannot even look into the way […]