It’s Just Going To Be Like Christmas

24 Mar, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

That is what one knucklehead said after Obamacare was signed by our Marxist in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.  I use his middle name to further endear him to the two bit dictators and terrorist nation leaders to which he has a propensity to bow.

This typical Obama voter thinks it is just fantastic that he no longer has worries about paying the bills.  Yeah, of course you have no worries about paying your bills.  You have no pride and are more than happy to have the taxpayers of this country pay your way.

I would feel sorry for Flythe if he had to go into debt to pay for a hospital bill.  Having said that, I have kids of my own and none of them are named Mr. Flythe.  Pay your own freaking bills Mr. Flythe and leave my pocket book alone!!!

No where in the United States Constitution does it say that Marty Griffith or any other tax payer should pay for this dead beat’s family to have a healthcare Christmas.

Mr. Flythe you should be ashamed that your mindset is the very illogical thinking that has our great country teetering toward despotism.  What you need for Christmas sir is a swift kick to the backside to get you jumpstarted on taking care of your own darn family and let me keep my hard earned money so that I can provide for my family.  How dare you think that you are entitled to other people’s money.

Mr. Flythe is being singled out here in a way because of his stupid remarks on the video above.  He, however, represents the mind set of the statist who would demand a spreading of the wealth from people who have earned their money to those who are happy to have Christmas presents brought to them in the form of one entitlement after another.  The statist is never satisfied just as the recipient is never satisfied.

Meanwhile Obama thinks he has a mandate to steal my hard earned income.  If a robber points a gun at you and says, “Give me all of your money”, is that right?  Of course not, anyone’s moral compass can find due North on that scenario.  Now suppose you tell him, “No, I’m not handing my money over and I have my own gun which I will shoot you with”.

Most would agree that you have the right to defend yourself and your property from this perpetrator.  At this point a crowd of 10 people have gathered and the robber asks for a show of hands for those that think that he should have your money.  After all, he is out of work, his wife left him, his car is broke down and his dog growls at him.

7 out of the 10 support his right to your money because obviously you are wealthier than the robber is.  Does having a consensus make it right for this man to take your money?  Of course it doesn’t give him the right to your hard earned property.

This is EXACTLY what the government does and is doing in such a big way with ObamaCare.  They have a consensus and a mandate to steal our hard earned money, only to turn it over to someone who has not earned it and therefore will not even appreciate it.

It is immoral for Obama to claim a mandate makes it OK to steal our property.  It is immoral for Obama to take an oath to uphold and protect the constitution and then dismantle it piece by piece.  It is just as immoral for Obama to steal our money as it is for a robber to steal it at gun point.  In fact it is worse for Obama to steal for a person in leadership is held to a higher standard.  Luke 12:48 says, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required”.

Exit Question:  Will we conservatives win this political war that has been waged by the statists?

We have to win this war for our children and grandchildren.  We will win this war!!!

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  1. Tweets that mention Food For Thought» Food For Thought --  |  March 24th, 2010 at 5:51 PM #

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marty Griffith, Marty Griffith. Marty Griffith said: It’s Just Going To Be Like Christmas / Deadbeats see Obamacare as a Christmas present! #tcot #healthcare […]

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  2. uberVU - social comments  |  March 29th, 2010 at 9:46 PM #

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by MartyGriffith: #healthcare Christmas? I have kids of my own and none of them are named Mr. Flythe. Pay your own freaking bills!!!

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