Now I’m not one to call names, but it is just impossible for me to describe the people that we are dealing with in the Obummer administration without calling them what they are.  Janet Napolitano is just another in the Obummer administration that wears the title of Idiot very well.  Her response to the near […]

23 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Politics

I might literally vomit the next time I hear one of these liberal morons chant that this train wreck of a healthcare bill had to be done quickly because, “regular folks need help right this second”.  I do not have words to describe these insane liars.  I do not use these words lightly.  Insanity is […]

19 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Politics

For several years conservatives and Republicans have been wondering when and if the representatives in the Republican party would grow a backbone.  The lack of a backbone goes back to when the GOP had a majority in the house and senate and also had the presidency.  With control of the legislative branch, it seemed nothing […]

17 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Politics

What is and who are important to the president?  The same day that he announced that Club Gitmo detainees would be delivered to an Illinois prison, Obummer threatened to close down Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska if Senator Ben Nelson refused to vote in favor of ObummerCare.  This president never ceases to stoop to […]

11 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Even with a smoking gun, thousands of emails, pointing to the FACT that man-made global warming is a hoax; President Obummer insists that true science points to the reality of man-made global warming. This alone points out that this man is such an ideologue that he cannot view facts clearly that do not define the […]

8 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Politics

The Dallas Morning News reported today that President Obummer, in outlining a major new GOVERNMENT STIMULUS, (at least the Dallas paper is calling this what it truly is, just more money to stimulate more government growth),  said the nation must continue to “spend our way out of this recession”.  Does this work at your house?  […]

4 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Christianity

The Old Testament for believers in God is a schoolmaster, as is the Old Law. The Old Testament shows us, among many other things, the relationship of God and the Israelites. In this relationship we see God’s grace, long suffering, love, justice, vengeance, and His omnipotence. We see His grace and His long suffering in […]


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about ClimateGate and dismissed this colossal cover-up of junk science by saying, “Climate change IS happening”. Scientists agree that the climate of the earth is changing. This is no more earth shattering than the fact that the earth is spinning and that because of this spinning on […]


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