Obama said today in remembering 9/11/2001, No single event can ever destroy who we are. Then Obama said, No act of terrorism can ever change what we stand for. Obama is actually right about this. One single event is not what is destroying the fabric of our society. Enemies, like those that attacked America September […]
Only if a person ignores what the Bible says, and only if a person ignores what the Democrats stand for can a person be both a “Christian” and a Democrat. The reason is that the Democrat platform is anti-Christian and anti-Christ. Let us just begin with fundamentals and easy to grasp items. Most people recognize […]
Elena Kagan has been confirmed even though she is the most inexperienced person to go through the confirmation process in recent history. She is actually less experienced than Harriet Miers, who Bush withdrew after a firestorm of protest from within his own party, on the basis that she was too inexperienced. Kagan was of course nominated by Barrack Hussein Obama, the most inexperienced person in any room.
At one time Joseph “Big F’n Deal” Biden was known as the dumbest senator in office. Now he’s the dumbest VP our country has ever had. He keeps reminding us of this by saying stupid things. The latest stupid statement coming from our lowly esteemed VP is an email appeal for cash in which “Big […]
Anytime Democrats, liberals, and/or statists want to rape the American People, they use children as political shields to protect them from the light of truth. Meanwhile, they seemingly cannot wait for the next opportunity to make murdering children more easily accessible to anyone who might be inconvenienced by pregnancy or the birth of a child. […]
Much has been made of comparisons involving the Obummer administration’s attempted take over of seemingly every part of our lives, to Nazi socialism. Of course with this comparison come the knee jerk reaction of the statist claiming that conservatives want to paint poor feckless Barry as a genocidal maniac. No conservative that I have heard […]