
Welcome to martygriffith.com

At this site the Bible is the FINAL authority as it is believed to be the inspired, God breathed, Word of Almighty God.  On this site you will find no political correctness, but much encouragement in living a God pleasing life; a life that will benefit others as well as the cause of Christ.

Much is made today of there being many paths that lead to God and much is made about there being so many different denominations among Christians.

How can we know what is true?  Let me say simply that the landscape of many denominations does not point out that all of us are correct.  In fact, ALL of us might be wrong, but we cannot all be right.

We need to search the scriptures to see what is right.  This site is a small resource to encourage this seeking.  It is not meant to be THE answer, merely it points to THE Answer.

Jesus Christ is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life, no one comes to the Father, but through Him.

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