13 Oct, 2011  |  Written by  |  under Christianity

Much has been made the past few days about some interviews that Robert Jeffress has given in which he has stated that Mormons are not Christians and that Mormanism is a cult.  The fact of the matter is that Pastor Jeffress is 100% correct in this matter.  Mormonism has long been held by Christian theologians […]

19 Oct, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity

Our pulpits and pews have been dumbed down to the point where there is no scriptural discernment. We either do not know what the Bible says or we do not care what it says. Many will take exception to that statement while others that it is pointed straight at will think nothing of it. Obviously, […]

17 Sep, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

Only if a person ignores what the Bible says, and only if a person ignores what the Democrats stand for can a person be both a “Christian” and a Democrat.  The reason is that the Democrat platform is anti-Christian and anti-Christ. Let us just begin with fundamentals and easy to grasp items.  Most people recognize […]

16 Jul, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

Before getting into this discussion let us first take a look at this word, Agape.  It is a Greek word that most church goers have heard countless sermons with this word as the subject.  The word Agape is translated in our English New Testament texts as simply “love”. Agape love is an unconditional love; a God […]

28 May, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

One of the things that was talked about on a daily basis at my parent’s house was American Exceptionalism.  The term American Exceptionalism was never used, but the concept of how great this country is and how special it is were spoken of and explained to me at an early age. My father loves America […]

19 May, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity

An often quoted Bible principle is, The truth shall set you free. Most of the time it is quoted, it is a terrible misuse of scripture.  One of the most common uses of this Bible saying is when a person feels misunderstood or is accused wrongly of lying.  This person might say, “When you find […]


The Army has withdrawn an invitation to evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at a special Pentagon prayer service next month because of his controversial views on Islam, said Col. Thomas Collins, spokesman for the U.S. Army. That is a quote from the Washington Post.  This is the mentality that allowed the shooter at Fort Hood […]


I really do want to write a positive blog entry about the President of the United States.  I have such respect for this position and realize that it is a position of honor.  My guess though, is that I will agree with nothing from this office until the current occupant has been thrown out on […]

15 Jan, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Christianity, Politics

Much has been made of comparisons involving the Obummer administration’s attempted take over of seemingly every part of our lives, to Nazi socialism.  Of course with this comparison come the knee jerk reaction of the statist claiming that conservatives want to paint poor feckless Barry as a genocidal maniac.  No conservative that I have heard […]

4 Dec, 2009  |  Written by  |  under Christianity

The Old Testament for believers in God is a schoolmaster, as is the Old Law. The Old Testament shows us, among many other things, the relationship of God and the Israelites. In this relationship we see God’s grace, long suffering, love, justice, vengeance, and His omnipotence. We see His grace and His long suffering in […]


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